March 11--Chat Log            

Marcia was the old man the landlord?
tiMd i tyhought it was his uncle
katie i thought it was his father
VS I think so
tiMd i coulld be wrong
christie i hope he's the land lord cause that was my answer
Bri i thought he was a servant
tiMd not me
Marcia me too
KevinU I thought they were roomates
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Ashley I just said that he lived with him
ship the narrator was the caretaker
Heatherr wasn't the narrator simply supposed to be taking care of the old man?
Callie right....
Scott i thought he was just taking care of him
tiMd ah
greg he was
tiMd good
Marcia ok
tiMd fine
ship a nice epiphany
Marcia and he killed him becaise the old man had a scary glass eye
Callie right
tiMd cataracts!
Ashley his "evil eye"
greg very carefully killed him
Elyssa wasn't it blue or something?
Ashley yes
katie yeah
greg because of his evil eye
tiMd cataracts are blye
Karla i think he had a cataracon his one eye
Ashley he sai dit looked like a vultures eyes
Marcia ew
Bri it was like a vulture
Scott yeah vulture eye
Karla cataract on
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ship big deal...what's the point?
christie it sound like he had cateracts\
greg i think the point poe was trying to make was something about being careful
tiMd poe is insane
VS He was grazy
Callie yep definitly nuts
tiMd grazy for gravy
Marcia he felt so guilty after killing him
Karla poe has a fixation on eyes
greg yea, but i dont think that was his point he was trying to make
tiMd right but only cause he was dillusional
Bri window to the soul
ship carefull about whom you allow in your house?
tiMd right
greg yes
Marcia maybe
ship seriously?
NickWeaver he didn't feel guilty, rather he was nuts and believed that he coud hear the old mans heart from beneath the wood\
christie ship, any reason why poe has so many of his elements repeat story after story
NickWeaver thats a good pt
ship it worked
tiMd he was obsessed with death
VS I don't understand the theme of this story
tiMd is there one?
Marcia so were most people of this time period
ship deals with polarities
tiMd how?
Karla poe trys to show that there is no perfect murder
Ashley the narrator was trying to convince up that he wasn't mad but his guilt obviously made him mad because he continued to hear the man's heart when the man was dead.
KevinU thought full death not just mindless mass killing
ship that's for me to know and you to figure out
Callie thats what i think too
Marcia he is supposed to be taking care of the old man and ends up killing hi,
Ashley he believed that the cops could hear it too and that they were mocking him
Marcia that is pretty bi-polar
greg he trys to show no matter how comfortable you feel about killing someone guilt will always prevail
Ashley so he ended up confessing
ship good Marcia
tiMd you think there was amoral?
christie is it possible that he has a motive that has been forgotten because of his insanity cause by guilt??
KevinU guilty concence will always come back to haunt you
Ashley he said that the old man nice to him
Heatherr are we talking about bi-polar disorder or simply polarities?
Ashley he just couldn't stand his eye
Marcia people can't be trusted
greg he liked the man he just didnt like the eye
Marcia we act on impulses
NickWeaver i don't undersatnd one thing, if he was supposed to take care of the old man, then when he said that the old man was out of town, then why wouldn't he be with him?
tiMd so...polarity. he loved the man...but loathed his eye
Bri he took care of the estate
Bri not him i think
greg why does poe put so much emphasis on being careful?
NickWeaver so they do not get couaght, rather their madness gets them caught
ship well think of the theme of this class
Marcia maybe because in real life he was paluged by bad stuff happening cause he wasn't careful
Karla the perfect murder
Callie madness caused by guilt
christie you can't escape the truth
Scott dont you need to be mad in the first place to kill someone?
greg does it have anything to do with the theme?
christie true
Bri his attempt of total control and carefulness mad him go mad
ship Poe boasted about his skill at solving puzzles and thinking of the genre of detective fiction
KevinU it is a strange reason to kill someone
VS practice makes perfect.....murder
tiMd there is not much detecting in t.t.h.
katie did Poe ever kill anyone?
Heatherr the realization that his 'carefulness' caused him more guilt than anything else is what caused the narrator to lose it
NickWeaver just his liver
Heatherr not on record
greg so the carefullness in the end was bad?
Heatherr didn't poe lose a lot of the women in his life to death? i vaugely remember reading that somewhere..
christie his wife
katie i think so too
Marcia teburculosis
Karla to TB
christie who was also his cousin
tiMd well he didnt end up being careful...he smothered the guy with a bed!
Karla and his mother
christie this parents... he was adopted
Ashley he was extremely careful in coverign his tracks but he couldn't hide form his giulty consciuos
NickWeaver yea i think he lost his mom, and wife to tb
KevinU he should have been careful of his emotions and controlled himself so he didnt kill the old man
Bri he didnt create a balance of control and noncontrol, making him go from one extreme to the other
Karla by his step father --lived w/ his biological mother
katie so Poe was a sad man, who wrote sad stories
christie yep, but he was also sad cause he was a drunk
Heatherr in a nutshell
Marcia they arent exactly sad...more twisted
ship good point Kevin, so what exactly does Poe do with the character of the narrator...what specific literary technique does he employ?
Karla Allen was hs step fathers last name
katie he was a drunk because he was sad
christie and cause he got kickd out of his home by his step dad, then got kicked out of school
Marcia he uses the dea man's heart
greg why would poe take the job with the old man, if the eye bugged him so much?
tiMd it didnt at first
NickWeaver yea the yes got worse and worse
Karla maybe the eye didn't bother him at first
Scott because he was crazy
katie the more he seen it ,t he more he hated it
Karla just like the cat
tiMd like the cat
NickWeaver and it drove him nuts over time
KevinU he liked the old man, he just couldnt get over the one flaw
christie maybe he didn' have the eye thang going on when he took the job, the eye developed with the mans age
Marcia he should have carved the eye out like he did to the cat
tiMd exactly
christie goodness
NickWeaver thats why when he was in the room he only shined the light on the one eye
greg so thats how poe tied this story to the black cat
Marcia yeah
KevinU the tell tale cat
tiMd right...that was all he hated about the man
Callie it got so bad its all he could see or think about when he was with the old man...
Callie it drove him nuts
Marcia i think the eye was an excuse to hate him
Marcia so he could convince himself he had a good reason to kill
greg but he said he didnt hate the man
Callie justification...
Karla good idea Marcia
tiMd i dont think he was looking for a reason to kill
ship what is the significance of the eye?
christie i hate how sometimes poe does't name the naraotr, like hi sstories soemtimes sound like poe really did this stuff
katie a normal SANE person would not kill someone because of their eye
Elyssa yeah but he couldn't have gotten away with just getting rid of the one eye...they guy would have been upset about it unlike the cat who couldn't say anything
Marcia it wasnt normal
NickWeaver nonperfection
Marcia not the ideal
ship if you recall, Ashley mentioned the idea of the evil eye. What did she mean?
Marcia always watching
Callie the eye caused him to do evil things?
Marcia all seeing eye
Marcia the eye of satan
Marcia or the eye of god
KevinU I was the old mans flaw which made the narrorator evil
christie the one eye was defective... "evil"
tiMd if someone gave you the evil eye back in the day it was bad
ship how so Tim?
christie he was too accutely sensitive towars it
Elyssa the eye maybe would point out all the imperfections and wrong-doings of others?
ship the belief was?
tiMd it wished evil upon you
ship more than that?
tiMd and misfortune
KevinU they hated you
ship what type of misfortune?
greg they wanted you to DIE
christie death
NickWeaver death
ship yes
Elyssa they would criticize you
ship wouldn't that be reason enough to want to kill
greg sure
Ashley becuase of his "evil eye" the narrator saw the man as evil and threfore giving him justification to kill him
tiMd it was
Callie so the narrator thought that the mans eye was in a way wishing for him to die....and thats what caused him to kill?
tiMd to "stop" the eye
VS i guess
KevinU but the old man didnt want the narrorator to die
KevinU did he??
Marcia but it was the only way to get rid of the eye
tiMd just the eye
greg it never says that he did
Callie in the narrators eyes maybe he believed that..
Bri He saw the eye as wanting him dead so he seeked revenge on the eye
VS oh
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tiMd if you gave the evil eye back in the day you could be put to death
ship In this story Poe essentially writes a story about a crazy person
greg understandable
ship no author had written about the inner mind as Poe did
Ashley who doesn't believe that he's crazy
tiMd no! the guy says hes not mad
ship think also about the narrator himself
Ashley a lot of crazy people won't admit that they are
KevinU he just had one monment of insanity
greg he doesnt want you to think he is mad, but he was
ship so the author uses what literary technique
Ashley they see themselves as normal
Callie a lot of crazy people dont actually realize that they are crazy
ship very good
Ashley one of the reasons why they are crazy
Callie right....
ship the difference between what is and what appears to be is known as?
greg irony?
tiMd reality
ship I almost fell out of my chair, but Greg is right.
ben good job greg
greg whats new?
greg thanks ben
ship will wonders never cease
ben anytime
ship so any last thoughts about the Tell Tale Heart?
tiMd it was short
greg it wasnt as long at the gold bug
ship it covers a period of 8 days
VS I liked it
Ashley a lot shorter than the next story
Callie I liked it the best so far i think...
tiMd thats my point
NickWeaver i thought it was 9 days
ben i liked it too
greg it didnt have any weird codes in it
Karla I thought nine
tiMd i thought a week
ship one question I have is who is the narrator?
NickWeaver b/c on the 8th he killed him
Ashley I said a week
greg i only counted 8
NickWeaver and the 9th he would have seen the cops
ben i said a week too
tiMd yeah ben!
katie he seen the cops on the 8th day
Callie the caretaker of the old man....his servant kinda
greg the narrator is poe himself
VS a crazy guy
tiMd the narrator is the mans son!
tiMd maybe
greg or someone poe didnt want to be
ship what gender?
Heatherr the narrator is probably just an extension of poe's own internal mind
Marcia male
Heatherr male
Marcia ?
tiMd female
ben male?
Callie a man...
Ashley it never says does it
KevinU the narrator is evil disgused as good in his own mind
Karla day one he thought up the idea, days 2 - 8 he kept watch and day 9 he killed the old man
ship what makes you think either male or female?
ben cause i seen a play and it was a man
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Marcia well he moved the bed to suffocate him
Marcia a bed is pretty heavy i guess
tiMd oh was a man
tiMd i saw the movie
Elyssa i saw the movie too
Ashley couldn't that just be how the playwright percieved it
greg women dont do these kinda things
ben don't go that far greg
ship pardon me, Greg
greg im was just playing around
greg sorry, no more jokes from me
ship some woman may some day just kick .....
ben there are alot of women that do these things
Callie atleast when someone first thinks of horrible things being done like that...people just usually believe it was a man
Ashley Poe never actually says what gender it is does he?
tiMd sure they do...y'ever seen the footage on worldws most f***ed up s**t of the lady beatin that senior?
ship he doesn't
ben no he doesn't
Heatherr he keeps refering to himself as a madman -- or not
ben good point heather
ship so in all probablity it could be either which makes the story even more frightening
Callie then does it make a difference if it was a man or not....either way the person was crazy
Ashley so it's whatever the reader wants to believe it is
tiMd sure
ship yes....
tiMd yes....
Callie ok....
greg yes...
ben yes..
VS so
ship what is the theme?
tiMd yes....
VS ??
tiMd dont ever sleep!
greg the theme is still unknown i think
ben trust nobody
KevinU self control
Marcia unpredictability
Callie death...craziness...guilt
tiMd polarity and irony
Karla no perfect murder
Marcia of the mind
NickWeaver don't tell the cops you killed someone
ship think back to what Marcia said earlier
VS sleep with your good eye open
Marcia human bi-polar tendency?
greg and your bad eye half shut
ship theme: the underlying message that the author wishes to impart to a reader
Ashley the human mind
ship yes, Marcia
tiMd never sit with the cops in the same room you just killed an old man in while sipping tea
ship but clarify it for the class in terms of specifics
Heatherr along with polarity, guilt has the power to drive one mad
ben that you can never get away with anything...cause even you if you are not caught, guilt will drive you crazy
ship good Heather
ship excellent!
tiMd wrong ben
ship not necessarily true, Ben....
ben you were wrong tim
greg even if the person thinks he is sane, guilt will make you insane
tiMd youre the wrong one!
ship many a person commits and evil act and never thinks anything about it
ben ship said i was pretty close
tiMd i know karate
ben who cares
greg karate is for losers
Ashley I think those people are crazy already then
greg haha, im just playing around again
tiMd you will...when i karate chop youre head
Callie so it is the sane people who for a moment act in an insane way that are faced with the guilt to drive them crazy for the rest of their life?
ship timd, that's nice big guy, but let's stay on course...okay?
ben i agree with shp..tim...
greg something about bipolarness and irony i think
tiMd thats what i said
greg well im glad we agree
ship good vs. evil
VS is that a word
tiMd damn straight
ben oh look, tim has a friend
tiMd but the evil isnt really evil
ship when the scales tip toward evil havoc usually results
greg what is good in that story
KevinU good evil vs good
tiMd the narrator=good
greg the narrator is never good
greg he always wants to kill the man
Marcia the cops are good
tiMd in his mind he is
Marcia maybe
Marcia the old man is, without his eye
tiMd he does the right thing
ship okay...would you say that you have exhausted this story...
Heatherr the initial comroderie between the two is good
Ashley yes
Marcia yes
ship discuss the Gold Bug
tiMd yes
katie yes
ben sure
Scott it was really long
Callie Gold Bug.....right
greg that it was
ben yes it was
KevinU This story confused the s**t out of me
Marcia I thought the gold bug was really differant from all the other stories we read
tiMd i did not like the story...for one i didnt finish it
Callie that whole code thing confused me
tiMd me too
Scott the code was very confusing
Heatherr it wasn't a murder mystery for once
greg very true
NickWeaver what did that have to do with anyway?
Marcia It did not really deal with death, nobody dies and they got all the treasure
Ashley the man was extrermly smart to decode it
Marcia and nothing bad happened
Callie yes..
ship but....
katie did he have to explain the whole process of the code, that was boring
ben but what
Ashley it told him where the treasure was
KevinU Where did the bug come from?
Marcia yeah the whole way of decoding was unnecessary
Scott yeah it seemed that poe went off track in this one
tiMd the mainland
ship if the character hadn't decoded it would you have been able to make anything of it
greg didnt someone have evil intentions?
Karla again we see a character with insane tendencies
NickWeaver how to get there or how to dig the whole?
NickWeaver hole*
Ashley the bug is what led the man to find the parchment paper
Marcia he could have summarized it, It felt like he was trying to explain it to a first grader
KevinU did it just land on his shoulder one day??
Callie the whole thing with dropping it through that skull was strange....
katie he found it
ship the cryptogram...would you have solved its meaning
Elyssa he found it one day
Ashley no
Scott no
tiMd no he found it on the mainland...on the beach
Callie no way....I hate those things
katie no
greg if i had about 20 years
Marcia no, but he explained it like letter by letter which was unecessary
Ashley it took a lot of thought
KevinU how did he know there was a skull in the damn tree??
Ashley the letter told him
greg the code
tiMd poe likes puzzles
Marcia he saw it through the telescope
Callie it shows how intelligent the man really was..
ship he is organizing the chaos of the tale into an organized summary
Ashley he saw it when he looked in the telescope
greg oh
Ashley from the rock
VS oh
greg i didnt get that part
ben you wouldn'
ben t
KevinU I must have missed that!!
katie is a NewFoundlin dog big?
Ashley the code told him about the rock and the degrees to point the telescope
Marcia hw big was the parchment to fit all that writing on it
greg ben 1 me 0
tiMd yes
tiMd big dog
KevinU I thought is was a wolf
KevinU it
NickWeaver i thought it was mut
greg very big dog
Marcia i cant belive they got to keep all that treasure
greg yea thats pretty sweet
ben i wish i found some treasure
KevinU where did the dog appear from??
greg you would
Ashley took a lot of thinking to find it though
ben tied
Ashley it was LeGrands dog
greg ben 1 me 1
Marcia the three of them would never have carried it all out in one night
Marcia no way
Callie I dont think that the bug was as significant as it was played out ot be...I think that the man just used it to find the treasure to show he wasnt crazy, any small object like that could have worked the same...
Karla he came in fom outsde
Karla from*
Marcia yeah why did he use the bug instead of the bullet
Marcia I didnt get that part
greg cause the bug was in the title
Ashley he explained it in the end
tiMd the bug bit him...he then had a lust for gold
katie he wanted the other guy to think taht he was crazy
KevinU was this a real bug or like a broach??
katie because he made him mad
katie for critisizing his drawling
Heatherr i was just going to say that, kevin
ship a real bug supposedly
tiMd he got bitten by "the gold bug" pretty sure it was just stupid symblism
Karla was the narator a doctor or was he just alluding to taking care of william
KevinU did the bug really bite him or did he find the bug and want more gold??
Ashley he said it was his way of quietly punishing the guy for thinking he was crazt
Ashley the bug bit him
Elyssa isn't there some kind of saying that ur bitten by the bug when ur greedy for gold??
tiMd right
tiMd thats what i said
greg the theme of this story was greed
Marcia i didnt think they were all that greedy
tiMd right but poe made greed worth the troouble
Marcia they just wanted the gold
Marcia they solved the puzzle so they shoudl get it
Marcia that isnt greedy
tiMd thats
greg but isnt that being greedy?
NickWeaver no
ben they solved it so the are worthy of it
greg wanting more gold?
Marcia yeah
VS is the theme that greed is a sickness
ship okay...let's stop here; I want you to pair up with someone to peer review your essay
Callie okie dokie




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