January 30--Chat Log--English 71            

timd what are we supposed to do?
Marcia talk about the poem, theme for English B
timd ah
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adamwalck so now what are we supposed to do?
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Marcia talk about the poem
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ben then talk
adamwalck which one are we doing?
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Marcia theme for English B
adamwalck okay
christieaurich it's pretty good
timd i guess
justinsilberman it was very good
adamwalck i enjoyed it thoroughly
ben it wasn't bad
Marcia well what does eveyone think it is about?
timd was it the thing he was supposed to write?
timd or did he just write a poem
adamwalck i think its about....equality...in a weird way
ben i agree with adam
timd probbably
christieaurich he was supposed to write a page for his teacher...i'd like to hear the writer read it.... it sounds like it has a pretty good spoken rhythm
justinsilberman I think it is about the troubles he's facing as a black student,
timd right
evan i thought is was kind of choppy and hard to follow
adamwalck like how the writer is black, probably everyone else is white...but they are all americans...or something like that
ben maybe...i couldn't really catch on to it though
christieaurich really??
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timd i dont think its what his teacher wanted though
adamwalck how do you know what his teacher wanted?
justinsilberman i think he is trying to say that the white kids were treating him bad
christieaurich i thought it sounded just like a lot of people speak.
ben well his teacher wasn't that specific
timd ii dont know
Marcia I think he was trying to let the teacher know that he was concerned that his ideas would be thought of as differant or soemthing because he was black
ben sounds about right
Marcia but he wanted to let him know that they have more in common than they think
timd that sounds right
justinsilberman true true
christieaurich true, but he also said thta we can all learn from each other
Marcia he didn't want his writing to be necesarilly associated with being back or white
NickWeaver i think the point of this poem was to get the point across that he was not being treated equally but we are all americans so we all should treat each other right
justinsilberman yes
christieaurich true, the thing about the page not being white, but colored seemed scarcastic
RobSherman In the end the writer said shows that there is inequality because he said " and some what more free."
Marcia In the last 3 lines, he sounds a bit sarcastic
ben yes he does
adamwalck i dont agree with that,,,if he didnt want it to be associated with black and white,,,he wouldnt have said that he was black
justinsilberman ewspecially with the line at the end "although you're older--and white---and somewhat more free."
adamwalck good job rob
RobSherman thanks
christieaurich well, he couldn't just glaze over the obvious
timd he makes that a point but not the point
christieaurich he wanted to address his differnce
adamwalck good call tim...
timd thanks
christieaurich and how he shouldn't be seen as black
adamwalck hey thats what im here for tim
timd alright
evan i don't think he didn't want to be viewed as black, he wanted to be viewed as black but equal
ben what time period do you think this is from
timd the 50s
Marcia I agree with evan
adamwalck i think he just wanted to give his professor alittle insight into his life...
ben hmmm...i wonder if this was asked to him today if he would write the same paper
timd good thought
RobSherman probably not
christieaurich it has to be somewhere around then cause he talks about "records" and jazz
timd yeah like bop
christieaurich hell yea he would
timd you think?
christieaurich he lived in harlem
ben what does that mean
christieaurich there's major prejudice there
RobSherman so he would not be the only black person there
timd right
ben there is major prejudice ion you too i guess
NickWeaver yea there would be a big racial mix
RobSherman not really a mix
timd no
ben it wouldn't be as bad now as it was then
adamwalck no mostly minorities
timd huh?
christieaurich yea, but haven't you ever walked around there, dont' be white and alone and chill out there at night... you'll get jumped for being white and assumed to be better offf
Marcia well he probably wouldnt be the only back person in his class now
adamwalck i got lost in harlem once!
christieaurich no, but he did
timd soory bout the caps
RobSherman so did i , i took the wrong subway
adamwalck at 12:30 at night....yikes!
christieaurich and that's a big part of his essay
christieaurich was tht he was where he was from
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christieaurich that's what made him who he was
timd yeah
ben yeah but times, even in harlem, have changed since then
RobSherman we should talk about the other poem now
timd can we?
Marcia no
RobSherman oh
timd smart school
RobSherman right
timd that means he wa smart
RobSherman yes he was
Marcia well obviously
christieaurich smart school yet in the poem he still throws around a lot of slang
ben yes obviously
timd obviously
adamwalck but he was still black which meant he was subject to alot of racisim
timd obviously
adamwalck and he lived at the Y
mat there is always slang in poetry
timd obviously
adamwalck that alone seems like a huge contrast...
Marcia i think he made it a point to state in his poem he didnt want his writing judged differantly becuase he was blak
timd wasnt he a beat poet?
christieaurich hehe... you're right, poetry does use more slang than other writing
adamwalck then why did he say he was black?
timd huh
christieaurich he could be, cause that would coincide with the jazz culture that he was a part of
adamwalck what are you confused about tim?
ben what about that dog that was hit by the car......oops, wrong poem
timd who me?
Marcia it was like a challenge almost, nobody want's to admit to being racist. So he mentions it in his writing to almost make the teacher feel bad or something
Marcia I dunno
adamwalck yeah...you said huh
ben good point
timd oh
timd i forgot
justinsilberman very good point
timd yeah
adamwalck alright
ben i wonder waht his grade was on this paper
justinsilberman he is just sick and tired of being the subject of racisim
christieaurich he said he was black because his experiances were somewhat dictated by the fact that he was colored, and his experiances were what his teacher wanted him to talk about
adamwalck im with justin!
justinsilberman the closing of the poem totally tells us that
RobSherman his teacher prob felt bad for him so he got a good grade
ben well thats good then
adamwalck he knew how to use teh system
justinsilberman lol
timd or he pointed out something his teacher didnt want to admit and he failed
evan yup
ben that would suck
adamwalck hmmm intriging tim
christieaurich i think thats more probable
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adamwalck i cant spell...im retarded!
RobSherman what do you think about the poem ship?
ship just stopped in
timd there was a ship?
RobSherman sooo
timd i didnt read very carefully
adamwalck i like your style tim
christieaurich don't worry, we're laughing WITH ya
ben i'm not
timd dammit
ship the poem is similar to the lyrics of a Michael Jackson song
RobSherman which song
ben what song
timd what song
adamwalck what song
ship it doesn't matter whether your black or white
evan billie jean
ship you are still an American
timd that song was terrible
adamwalck smooth criminal
ship no Evan!
ben good point ship
evan black or white
christieaurich i just lost a lot of respect for the poem
ship but the message is what Hughes speaks about
ship it has a similar theme
ben don't diss micheal jackson
ship why?
timd wasnt that the video with macauly cul;kin?
Marcia and the message is still an issue today
ship go back to the poem
ship yes
timd right
adamwalck ship do you think hughes wanted his race to be an issue?
NickWeaver what about the christmas present he wants.. a pipe?
christieaurich no, but it was
ship that's a good question, what do your classmates think?
justinsilberman yes i do
timd i think he likes what everyone else likes
ben i don't think...i was told not too, bad things happen when i think
christieaurich hehe... what kind of pipe?!
mat i think hes a stoner
justinsilberman because if he didn't his point would have been totally different
christieaurich then he and i should chill.. jk
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Marcia he just wants to make a point that he likes all the same things white people like
timd thats what i said!
evan like trees
justinsilberman it would have totally erases the point of his dream of equality
ben again marcia has a good point
adamwalck i totally agree with you marica
timd marcia is good
christieaurich true, and he brings up that he likes classical as well
christieaurich "white music"
RobSherman what is white music
justinsilberman the bach
timd classical...easy listening
adamwalck classical doest neccessarily mean white music
timd kenny g
mat What is classified as white music
evan y is that white music
timd yes
timd and country
Marcia that's true, he probably is tierd of being stereotyped by white people, l maen living in harlem and all , people wouldnt think he listnens to classical music
RobSherman country is white music i agree with that
timd yeah
mat Just because the famous composers were white
timd yeah
christieaurich it's just got the ummm.... what's the word... sterotype of being upperclass whit emusic
christieaurich time to move on to the other poem
christieaurich ship says so
adamwalck im white trash and i listen to it....
ben not until ship tells us too
adamwalck not really
timd and "intelligent" people listen to it
christieaurich ii just said that's the sterotype
timd what
christieaurich and sterotypes aren't true
adamwalck i know...im not really white trash
Marcia do you think the teacher for Hughes class, was offended by this poem?
timd who
ben yeah he is
timd yes
christieaurich and he proved that when he mentioned that he listens to bach
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timd iSi!
timd new poem?
Marcia ok
adamwalck but if i was black and i wanted to be graded on the content, i wouldnt base my whole paper on my race
timd its not though...its based on truth
ship I think that you should look at the next poem
timd right
ben sounds good...
adamwalck thanks ship
ship my pleasure adam
adamwalck now this is just weird
timd is this a teacher?
evan yea it is
timd writing?
ben did you know that thomas gunn is a homosexual
timd i did not know that!
RobSherman Im confused about the "be more specific" thrown in there
Marcia this poem is a little more confusing
adamwalck so did his girl accuse him of cheating?
ben i had to do a report on him in 12th gade english
timd he is a teacher teachers write that a lot
NickWeaver maybe his wife died
ben this poem is alot more confusing
Marcia who is the he in the poem reffering to?
adamwalck im going to go ahead and disagree with you nick
timd wife? didnt someone just say he was gay?
justinsilberman ithink himself
adamwalck good point tim...
ben he is gay
justinsilberman like as the teacher,not the writer
NickWeaver ok well maybe his boyfriend then
adamwalck maybe she caught him witha guy
timd alright then
mat Who cares if hes gay what the hell is he talking abouy
timd dont knoow
Marcia what aout the second part of the poem, when he talks about reading the book...
christieaurich i'm at a loss.... anyone care to explain what they think is happening
evan he is grading papers
timd he was supposed to be grading papers but he starts reading a book instead
ben i'm not gay, but i'll learn
Marcia It sounds like a teacher or something grading papers in the begining, and he gets distracted by this book
timd thats what i said
RobSherman yes i see now
ben yes...i thik thats what it is too
ship yes
timd i win can i go now?
justinsilberman i just think he gets sidetracked, but when he gets sidetracked he is thinking about something and the reading the book part is just covering up what he is thinking
Marcia but what is the book?
timd not in his field
ship remember that this poem is a meditation
ship he looks outside then inside then back outside
justinsilberman there is no book
adamwalck what i think happened was...he was reading papers of his students, and he is distraught, i think he feels that his students have a wake up call in the real world, but anyway, then he starts reading a book and sort of drifts off
timd deep!
timd thas what i sad
timd said
christieaurich yea, but what about the whole fog thang??
ship remember that with his wife...there was a sense of lack of communication
timd thats the fog
ship and when he reads his student papers he comments on their need to be more specific
ship the book is specific
Marcia maybe he get's distracted becuase he feels the students arent communicating through the papers or whatever
timd he is searching for specificness
ship so all together what do they mean
adamwalck he doesnt like his life!
NickWeaver maybe he thinks their papers suck and they are headed towards street life
timd the fog is not specific
ship he wants the channels of communication to be open between him and his wife
timd and his students
ship his wife believes something about him doesn't she
justinsilberman maybe he has the communication problem
ship maybe
timd with his students
Marcia and his wife
justinsilberman he and his wife are the same as the papers he's grading
justinsilberman yes
ship or maybe the students just don't get it
timd and his students
ship it sometimes happens
ship of course, not you guys
timd who is that?
Marcia I dont get the part where he says " Today no supervisions"
timd oh dr myron
Marcia what does that mean?
christieaurich today he's not going to grade them.... or look them over
timd yeah
ship when young men and women go to college they are free
adamwalck i think he gets depressed by reading his sutdents papers
ship no supervisions
RobSherman His book has taken him away from his problems
timd hell ead instead
timd read
timd sorry
ship they are free to raise hell as timd points out
Marcia how old is this guy?
ship to do and to be whomever they want
ship older than me
christieaurich old enough to be a professor
adamwalck does gunn miss those days?
ben he lives in san fran
christieaurich he must
ship it's not gunn
ship do not equate the author with the speaker of the poem
timd ah
Marcia hmm
christieaurich but he feels bad that things will only get more restrictive for his students
Marcia was it one of his proffesors?
timd or his father?
adamwalck okay....does the speaker of the poem miss the days when he was free
Marcia did he write this when he was a college student?
ship I think that you should digest this information and respond to the last question on the bulletin board, so you can take off and be one without supervision
Marcia I think he misses it
ship bulletin board
christieaurich i agree with ship
Marcia i agree
christieaurich let's all get going
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NickWeaver whats the question?
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adamwalck where do we find the question?>?
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timd he successfully looked inside and outside for inspiration
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timd like in a good meditation
mat Although he is reading he is thinking about other things going on around him and this affect his thought
timd good call
timd i agree
timd the lawn...outside
mat He says he hears the chapel, and sees the snow
timd the book...inside
timd inside...outside
timd meditation!
mat slopes sorry
timd i win
timd can i go?



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